Start a list for someone else

Can I start lists for others in my family?

There are a few ways to accomplish this. Your first option is to create a child account. The person(s) will already be linked up to your groups so nothing else will need to be done. This is a great option if you’ll need to manage the family member’s list for them. Child accounts aren't just for children, we call them that because the account is a "child" to the parent account.

Adding a child account

  1. Below My Lists, locate the Child Accounts section.
  2. Click the new account button to add a child account. Create lists for one or more children or other family members. A Giftster child account shows up in your group as an individual member just below your name, with their own lists and gift preferences but under your account's email address. You can manage the child accounts just as you manage your own.

Create a separate account for each family member

Your second option is to create a separate account for each family member. Use this option if the person whose list you’re setting up would like to log in and control it themselves in the future.

  1. Register a new Giftster account for the member.
  2. Once the person’s account is created, invite them to your group and set their account so the first page they see is either their list or the lists of others in your group. Click on Settings to choose your account default login page. 
Tip: You don’t need to wait for people you invite to respond in order to set up your group. Register each group member using their email address and a simple password like 1234 – they can change it later. When logged into each new account, request to be added to your group. Log back into your own account, accept all the requests and you’re all connected. Make sure to tell each group member about their account and how to access it, then start sharing wish lists and events.
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