How do I join a group?

How do I find a specific group to join?

  1. At the top of the website, use the member search field to search for Giftster members by name or email address. Enter the name or email address and press Go
  2. When the search results display, click on View Details to see the member’s groups and public lists and gift preferences. You cannot search by group name.

How do I join a group?

You’ve done a group search and you see the group for your family or friends that you’d like to join. 

  1. Click the Request Membership link and Giftster will send an email request to the group creator for their approval. 
  2. To complete the request you will either login to your existing account or create an account.

Can I join more than one group?

As long as the group creators approve your membership request into their groups, you may join as many as you’d like. But remember – it may cause your shopping list to increase!

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