How to use Giftster for Birthdays

Give and get gifts that matter most for birthdays.  All year long. Here is how Giftster helps you do birthdays right.

[These power birthday features are on first - not the apps yet]

See upcoming group birthdays while you shop

Wondering who has the next upcoming birthday in your group? Sort group members by birthday right on  Shop For. You can also see birthdays - including the day of the week - on Groups, too.

Birthdays require group membership: You won't see anyone's birthday until you are in a Giftster group with one or more other members.  If you are not in a group, start or join an existing group on your Group page.

Get everyone's birthday

Missing a birthday? Just one tap to email a birthday reminder nudging your group member to add their birthday in their profile settings.

  1. Visit Groups and select your desired group.
  2. In the Members section on your Group page, you'll see birthdays listed next to each member.
  3. Tap the Ask for birthday link next to any member without a birthday listed.
  4. Send the reminder email anonymously or add a personal message. Tap send and you're all set.

If the missing birthday is yours, or one of your child accounts, add it yourself:

  • Your birthday  Visit profile (your picture or initials in upper right) then tap my settings.    Add your birthday and then tap save
  • Your child account birthday  Visit My List > Child Account > Settings then enter the birthday and tap save

Birthday Notifications Your Way

You decide which birthday reminder emails hit your inbox or are sent on your behalf. Visit the Notifications Center > Settings (the bell icon) to see your options. How do I edit my birthday notification settings?

Giftster automatically sends you a reminder email to update your list(s) four weeks before your birthday.

One week later, Giftster automatically reminds members of your group(s) that your birthday is three weeks away. Giftster also reminds you three weeks before any of your group members has a birthday.

The result is fewer missed birthdays, a wish list that is updated, and gifts that matter most.

About the privacy of your birthday:  Giftster displays your birthday day and month (not year) only to logged-in, approved members of groups you are a member of, on the Shop For and Group pages of  With the notification settings options, you can decide if anyone is reminded about your upcoming birthday, or not.

Note about leap year birthdays: Temporarily, leap year birthdays may show as "invalid birthday" and we know your birthday is just as valid as anyone else's! This will be addressed in a future update. Sorry about that.

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