App: How to copy a webpage link into a gift list when viewing an item in a store’s app

Using the IOS App? See this page instead.

There is a way to copy a store web link to Giftster while using an app (i.e, the Amazon shopping app) on your iPhone or from any web page.

Most product pages on retailer apps will have a share icon displayed (you may have to hunt for it the first time) and by tapping that it makes it easy for Giftster to get your item added.

Or, using the iphone’s built in “copy” feature, by first selecting the share icon (the box with the up arrow in it) in your browser, look for the “copy” option while viewing the website item you want to add to Giftster.

Then task switch to giftster, and do a paste into the "fetch" field. Please take note that the copy also may pull a description but Giftster is smart enough to ignore that part when you Fetch the web link to auto fill the item.

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