Invite members

  1. To make it fun, you need more than a group of one!

How to invite someone

  1. Fill in the full name and email address for the people you wish to invite to become members of your group. Additional rows automatically display as you fill them out, so you can invite as many as you like. You can invite additional members later too. 
  2. Then press the save group and invite button. 
  3. When you click the invite button, Giftster sends a beautiful, personalized email to each person. On the Android app, you can select invitees with one touch from your address book. The email has a link taking them to the Giftster registration page, partially filled out for convenience, and automatically places them in your group. 
Tip #1: You can type in the name and email or use copy and paste from any source if you don't know the email addresses. 
Tip #2: To resend an invitation to someone that is slow to respond, click the mail icon next to their name and Giftster sends another one.

How to recruit members via text message - no email required

[coming soon to the Android app]

Using you have an alternative way to recruit members for your groups with a request-to-join link you can text or share.

  1. Create a new group, but don't invite anyone yet, or select an existing group you created
  2. Tap invite more members

  3. On mobile devices tap text. Or tap link on a laptop computer.

  4. Share this request-to-join link in an SMS text or any way you like, with any number of members you wish to recruit

Anyone who follows your request-to-join link will be asked to sign-up or login to Giftster, and once they do, a request from their account to your Groups page will automatically be issued. Once you approve them on your groups or notifications page, they instantly become full members. No email is required.

How to convince your family to join

Share this page: Why a family gift registry makes sense

Quickly turn your invitees into members – even if they don't see or get your invitation email

  1. If they create a Giftster account using the same email you used to invite them, they will automatically see your pending invite on their Groups page. One-click and they are connected to your group!
  2. They can visit Giftster and search on your name or email address, and then under your name click on "Request Membership" which sends you a request that shows on your Groups page and you get an email notification. Once you approve the request, they are connected, no emails required. 
  3. You could register each group member using their email address and a simple password (encourage them to change it later). When logged into each new account, request to be added to your group. Log back into your own account, accept all the requests and you’re all connected. Then tell each group member about their account and how to access it, then start sharing wish lists.

Did you know? Groups and registration is how Giftster keeps each member’s lists confidential. From your account, you can edit your own lists, but you are not permitted to see the purchase status of your own wish list items. That would be no fun.

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