How do I let others in my group know my gift preferences?

Fill out your gift preferences profile to let others in your group know what your clothing sizes, color preferences, and personal interests are. You can even add what not to get you! You may also choose to list your mailing address for family living abroad or for a wedding or baby registry so they can mail gifts to you. 

  1. Look for the My Gift Preferences box located just under your wish lists on the My List page. 
  2. Click on Gift Preferences to add your gift preferences. 
  3. Fill out as much or as little as you'd like!  Then press Save.

Giftster automatically shares a link to this page with other group members shopping your lists.

These preferences give others a chance to select a gift that may not be on your list, but that fits your hobbies or interests that you've shared on this page.   Don't be a "none specified" Gift Preferences person!  Fill yours out today.

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